Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Recently I had a talk with some of my favorite girls about wedding traditions they are happy to see go and ones they hope never leave. Many are happy to see that the once traditional "bridal party table" is now becoming a thing of the past, and I couldn't agree more. We opted for the sweetheart table, that way my hubby and I had our own personal time together and our bridal party could sit with their family or date for the evening. Another option is for the bride and groom to sit at a table with their parents and close relatives (I suggest this only if you get along with the in-laws).

Another tradition mentioned was the good old bouquet and garter toss. We all know that the person who catches the bouquet or garter will be the next to marry, but why do we really do it? TRADITION! I think years ago people actually believed in the tradition, also it was viewed as a way to get guests involved and also created great photo/video memories, and now it's become a staple in almost every wedding, almost like an obligation. Over the past few years I've noticed the lack of enthusiasm by the single guests to participate in the garter/bouquet toss. I recently attended a wedding where it took the DJ a good 10 minutes to get people on the dance floor for this "fun" tradition. I'm not saying that it's an outdated tradition that must be banned, but don't feel like you have to do it... I really don't think your guests will mind

I personally love (and my girls agree with me) the special dance that the bride and groom have with the significant person in their life. I had to be such an attention whore and have two dances, one with my father, and the other with my twin brother. It's not only the intimate dance that you get to have with that special person, but the thought you get to put behind the song that you choose. I chose the traditional "daddy's little girl" for my dance with my father, and "Wonderful World" (Louis Armstrong) for my dance with my brother.

We agreed unanimously that the tradition of "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" should absolutely stay! We really had no reason as to why, we just loved the saying. Check out my post about the "blue tradition" and what brides are doing to make the tradition their own!

(Photos Courtesey of Faith West Photography: My Wedding 11/18/2006)

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