Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Waisted paper

When it comes to my home and event planning, I like to consider myself a perfectionist. I like everything just so. I love the look of an organized escort card table, I love the feel of crisp table linens ready to be set, and I love the packaging of a beautiful invitation. So when visiting my in-laws you can imagine my surprise (disgust) when they showed me the invitation to a certain family members wedding (We are not invited... long story). The couple is having a beach wedding followed by a buffet at a local restaurant. The invitation was typed on a piece of computer paper, with multiple typos, and a request to RSVP via e-mail.

I'm all for cost-saving ideas, and budgeting yourself, but knowing that this couple makes twice as much as my husband and I, they own two beach front properties, and drive expensive cars, I couldn't believe that they would send this misspelled, bland, waste of paper!

Another thing that bothered me was the fact that she felt the need to list every item that would be served at the buffet, and I mean everything, down to the butter and rolls. I've never known to mention the menu if you are having a buffet unless your family has rare and extreme food allergies or specific dietary needs.

Ladies, if you do decide to make your own invitations using computer paper, can you at least use the spell-check feature... it's there for a reason. Also, try to remember that your invitation is your guests first impression of your event, so make sure it reflects your theme, style, and/or personality!

1 comment:

Isa Abdullah said...
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With this blog I plan to share my knowledge of the event planning world, whether its style trends, etiquette, or cost saving tips, I will cover it all. I also want to open the lines of communication with other professionals, soon-to-be brides or anyone else interested in what I have to say.

If you have a question about an upcoming event, need some advice or recommendations, please feel free to email me and I will respond to your request with a blog entry, unless you would prefer to have your question addressed privately.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts, ideas and suggestions with all of you. I hope you enjoy reading the "Event Planner's Diary".